Picture of Nicole Martín Medina

Nicole Martín Medina

Gestora Cultural – Abogada/MBA

Only Conductors

Interview with its founder and CEO 

Vicente Martínez Alpuente

Only Conductors

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Today I would like to present to you a recently born project that I consider extremely interesting, it shows a great future and will be helpful for many of my readers: Only Conductors, the first international digital platform specialized in conducting orchestras.

Only Conductors was launched, rightly so, on November 22 together with the saints of Santa Cecilia, the patron saint of musicians and poets.

According to an original idea of the orchestra director Vicente Martínez Alpuente[1], the platform has been constituted as a startup and presents a meeting point for professionals, students, and interested music lovers, or in other words, all lovers of classical music who want to be well informed about the sector.

Only Conductors offers a digital magazine specialized in conducting interviews, reports, news, job offers, courses, and masterclasses, a professional directory divided by world regions, an online academy, and streaming event options.

Vicente Martínez Alpuente ‘was born in 1976 in Valencia into a family of several artistic generations. At the age of 7, he was accepted by the Valencia Conservatory and, later on, continued his studies in Orchestral Conducting at the University of Valencia, at the Arts Academy of Rome (Italy) with Bruno Aprea, at the Accademia Chigiana di Siena (Italy), with Gianluigi Gelemetti, in Russia with Vladimir Punkin and with his main mentor, George Pehlivanian, around the world. He has specialized in the Spanish operatic and symphonic repertoire, and is strongly committed to recovering the lesser-known music of his country from the mid-19th and early 20th centuries, without neglecting the universal repertoire.’[2]

Vicente, in a recent interview[3] and to my question, told me what was the origin of the Only Conductors idea, that the project was born in 2020, in times of the Covid pandemic and quarantine, when concerts had been canceled, cultural events had been called off one after the other and professionally everything had stopped.

While he was confined at home, he began to reflect on what else he could do other than conduct an orchestra, but something that would help him, in the future, to do just that again, conduct orchestras. And the idea of a networking platform was born, above all, once the pandemic is over, to help himself and his colleagues in the sector in a similar situation. It was clear that, once the world got over the pandemic, good professional relations would be essential to return to work.

As he developed this initial idea, more and more details surfaced that led to something much bigger than what he originally thought: The Only Conductors platform and all of its different offerings and services.

Asked about curiosities he experienced along his way, he told me with great enthusiasm that, despite having always been convinced of the viability of his project, he was surprised by how well-received the idea was, in every way. Both, when it comes to forming a suitable team to carry out this project and which is made up of professionals of international level and extraordinary preparation, as when seeking the necessary financing. Everyone reacted enthusiastically.

Look at me writing this article for my blog. There must be a reason for it. Me, as well, I am passionate about the project!

The information given in the interview can also be seen on the social networks of the company that I have been observing for months. Only Conductors‘ followers on different social networks are increasing at a rapid pace. Above all, I could see a huge upturn, especially on Instagram, since the launch of the page on November 22.

Only Conductors has been creating an online community for a long time, long before its launch as a platform. The company can boast about 16,300 followers on its INSTAGRAM profile[4], 1,411 followers on FACEBOOK[5], 850 followers on LINKEDIN[6] and 1,620 followers on TWITTER[7].[8]

The generally good reception of the startup is noticeable, for example, through the first three director interviews. The platform has only been running for 5 weeks now, and according to the information given to me by Vicente, Zubín Mehta, Charles Dutoit, and Vasili Petrov have been the first 3 directors interviewed by Only Conductors, Actually, he mentioned he had expected to start up with inferior expertise professionals but luckily he has been able to do so with the Champions League for orchestral conducting.

When asked what difficulties had to be faced in the process, I imagine, not everything has been smooth sailing, he refers to the experiences of any entrepreneur. The struggle with doubts about whether the project would succeed, whether it would find the necessary financing, what happens to everyone once its own funds were exhausted. The crux of the matter was if the drop of seeds on the ground would find the soil to be fertile.

According to my opinion, it can be said, the soil in which the baton club seed has fallen is, indeed, fertile, and to those of you who are now curious, I have to say, go and visit the page and start sniffing around.

Above all, do not forget that OnlyConductorsis still in its launch phase and the free subscription allows access to all content that, in a few months, will be limited to the different subscription formats. The prices of paid subscriptions range from €3.95 to €19.90 per month or, for an annual subscription, from €47.40 to €239.40.

I must not forget to mention that, right now, along with the paid subscription you get access to Medici. TV.

Medici.TV, inbuze, Apple Music, and Bärenreiter are the partners of the project.

The platform is available in several languages such as English, Spanish, French, German, etc.


Nicole Martín Medina

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

29th of December 2022



[1] For his bio please go to

2 Source:

3 The interview took place on 15th of December 2022.

4 Instagram

5 Facebook

6 LinkedIn

7 Twitter

8 The figures are from 28th of December 2022.



This article is available in German and Spanish, too: 




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