
With this blog I would like to inform and open a discussion forum on various topics related to cultural management and law, business administration and languages. I am going to write about my experiences and perspectives, always with a touch of irony and a wink. I mainly write in Spanish but, depending on the topic and readership, in German or English, too. Entries will not be translated unless the topic in question requires it. My Spanish texts are corrected by Daniel Hernández Franco. I am truely thankful for his help with this project.
Nicole Martín Medina - Blog
Nicole Martín Medina
Gestora Cultural
NIE für EU-Musiker Das Drama der Spanischen NIE-Bürokratie Leitfaden zur Antragstellung ohne 400€ zu bezahlen

NIE for EU musicians

The drama of the Spanish NIE bureaucracy Guide to applying without paying €400 This article is probably the one I was least keen to write,

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String Quartets, Juan Manuel Marrero (NEOS)

String Quartets, Marrero

Presentation of the third monographic work (CD) of string quartet music by Juan Manuel Marrero Alfredo Kraus Auditorium / Chamber Hall – Las Palmas de

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